Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Surprise Blessing #2

Most of you probably have already heard that the Lord has blessed us with Baby #2 to arrive in November! First off I'll answer the 2 most popular questions:

1. No it wasn't planned. At least not in our plan, but it was in God's and that's the plan we desire.
2. Yes we know how it happened. :)

Back in March I had a week where I just thought I lacked motivation to get anything done.  I found myself sitting on the couch totally zoning out.  Towards the end of that week I started to feel nauseous and I considered pregnancy, but really didn't think it would be this easy for me to get pregnant. On Friday of that week I decided to take a test and before I had time to blink, those 2 little lines showed up!  I took another test just to make sure it wasn't a fluke! Unlike our first pregnancy when I wrapped a cute little baby outfit and gave it to Brendan to open and be surprised, I called my husband immediately at work.  Yep, he was surprised too!

We spent Easter at my in-laws with my parents and younger sister joining us.  We still wanted to wait to tell our family. As I was packing the night before we left, my sweet husband said, "You better pack some baggy clothes! You've got a belly already!" Really I didn't believe him, or maybe I was just in denial. After all I was only like 8 weeks along. On our drive home from Easter I was talking on the phone with another sister and told her our news. Later that evening she was talking to my mom who told her, "If I didn't know better I'd think Sara was pregnant." So I got a text and we went ahead and told our families. I then accepted the fact that yes, I was already showing and there was no hiding this pregnancy.

I have to say that the past several weeks have been pretty exhausting, but I'm amazed at how the Lord's grace sustains me. I'm still nursing so that adds to the normal fatigue during the first trimester. Then it took us about a week of very little sleep to realize that due to pregnancy hormones my milk is drying up. So supplementing here we come! That also means a baby who sleeps through the night now! Yeah!

Life over the next.....well for a while is going to be full of change, surprise, sleepless nights, sleepy smiles, newborn cuddles, crawling, walking, a first birthday, oh and so much more.

Here are a few more pictures of our "photo session" with Eliana.

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