Well, for about a year I've been saying I should start a blog. So this is me following through. It might have taken me forever, but here goes nothing....
We've had a few BIG changes in our lives the past year. In November we went from being Oklahomans to Nebraskans (even though in my heart I'll always be an Okie) and I went from being a full-time interior designer to being a stay-at-home wife. The reason? My hubby got a new job! This was an answer to our prayers! This also enabled me to stay home full time. And I love it!!! Most people ask me, don't you get bored? Believe it or not, I stay pretty busy taking care of our home, cooking, gardening, running errands, and now running my new Etsy store. (gracefullyrenewed.etsy.com) All of these changes have been good, brought us joy, new adventures, and of course growth in our faith in the Lord.
Stay tuned for posts on our Midwestern adventures, cooking experiments, and home remodeling shenanigans.
I've started one called: mominthenursinghome.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletesort of a daily diary of what is going on in moms life at "little Corn"