Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Moments I'll Never Get Back

Lately my little girl has fought hard against taking naps. Which usually involves me going into her room to comfort her and then rock her to sleep. On those busy days where I would like to get a lot done during her naps this would bother me, but lately I've come to cherish these moments. The God-given moments when my sweet girl lays her head on my swollen belly and I rock her to sleep gets me all teary eyed because as the old poem goes....

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
Babies grow up we've learnt to our sorrow,
So quiet cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Sometimes I think about the little boy kicking and moving around in my belly and how precious it is to think that he already knows his sister's voice. Also hoping that because he isn't as active as his sister was in the womb that it means he might be a little easier baby...just hoping. I can't imagine what life is going to be like with 2 kiddos under 2! Ok, I sometimes do imagine and then I have a private little freak out moment. Like what do I do when I'm nursing the baby and all of a sudden things have gotten too know the the kind of quiet I'm talking about, that kind when your little one is most certainly into something they shouldn't be getting into. These freak out moments don't last long because mostly I can't believe that God has chosen to bless my husband and I with 2 precious little ones. I wish I could go back 4 years and tell myself to remain faithful in trusting the Lord to grow our family in HIS time and to find joy in my circumstances, because GOD IS FAITHFUL!

So lately I'm learning to: stop what I'm doing and play with my daughter; give her pots and pans to play with even if it means extra dishes to wash; sit on the couch and snuggle after naps even when there is lots to do; even if the sink is full of dirty dishes after dinner, sitting on the couch with my family of 3 and playing for 30 minutes is well worth putting those dishes off.  Will I continue to get frustrated when all of a sudden its 5:00 and I forgot to get the meat out to defrost for dinner OR Oops, that load of laundry I started 6 hours ago is still in the washer? Probably, but its ok if we don't eat until 7:30 or so what if I have to wash that load of laundry again, I'll never get those sweet moments back.  So when my frustration or exhaustion sets in, I pray that I'll remember it's all totally worth it and find my strength in Him.